Johnson and Chinn (18) revealed a mean reduction in the AHI by 44.1 from a preoperative value of 58.7 to a postoperative value of 10.5 in patients undergoing a UPPP and GA. Using a success rate of an AHI < 10, (7/9) 78% were successfully treated. Ramirez and Loube (19) revealed in morbidly obese patients a 42% success rate. Utley et al. (20) revealed a (8/14) 57% success rate defined as an AHI < 20 in patients undergoing a GA, hyoid suspension, and UPPP. Troell (21) revealed a 64% (7/11) success rate as defined as an AHI <10 with resolution of excessive daytime sleepiness by the same protocol. These studies support the improved outcomes of multi-level pharyngeal surgery addressing both retropalatal and retrolingual areas of collapse.