Usability is the measure of the quality of a user’s experience when interacting with a product or system including web sites, software applications, mobile telecommunication devices, and user-operated device (https://www.usability. gov/). Mobile usability is associated with user interface (input tools, display, and navigation), external interface (user support and supporting documents), and service interface (the availability, utility, and interoperability of services) (Ketola and Röykkee 2001). Usability is multidimensional and Table 1 shows the ten most important dimensions. The ten usability dimensions (USEFULNESS) are Useful (Ziefle 2002), Satisfying, Error-free (Ziefle 2002), Friendly (Jakob 1993), Understandable (Jakob 1993), Learnable (Ziefle 2002), Naturalness, Efficacious, Simple (Jakob 1993), and Secure. The ultimate goal is to optimize all these ten usability dimensions to create a product with lifelong contentment. Usability studies are important for companies and consumers alike. From a company point of view, it is vital to carry out market research to understand exactly what the consumer wants. This will improve sales and market share. For consumers, a poorly designed product causes frustration, stress, and waste of time and resources. Consumers might not adopt a technology, product,

or software due to prior experience, thus, improving usability and marketing usability are essential these days. The ten usability dimensions (USEFULNESS) are measured either objectively or subjectively as described in Table 1. The next section provides some of the usability testing methods that are used to evaluate each of the ten usability dimensions.