The wireless revolution has created a great demand for low-cost, mass-producible, and reliable circuits for communications. Wireless devices have become ubiquitous, from cordless to cellular phones and wireless local area networks. The explosion in the number of new wireless standards is a key motivation for the implementation of a multistandard radio. Because of the explosion in standards and modulation schemes, many people dream of a software-defined radio, or an all digital and fully programmable radio. Complimentary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) technology is constantly improving due to a fast-growing digital market. The chapter explores new radio building blocks that are inherently more broadband and linear and amenable to integration with scaled digital CMOS process. The linearity of CMOS devices is also an important metric for radio frequency (RF) amplifiers. Broadband, linear, high-frequency, and low-noise RF building blocks are possible in nanoscale CMOS technology.