As the Parker on the Web description of Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, 210 states, the manuscript ‘contains the unique copy of William Worcester’s Itineraria. By juxtaposing Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, 26 and 210, notable observations emerge. In the former case, one has the impressive thirteenth-century hand of the St Albans monk and historian Matthew Paris, who composed a chronicle framed with double columns and penned on parchment. There is so much more to say about how Parker on the Web can facilitate the close consideration of a single manuscript, bringing evidence to bear on wider issues that currently form the focus for new research, such as the shape of books produced for particular kinds of text. Other issues that emerged as a result of this examination of CCCC 210 included the question of how many other manuscripts on Parker on the Web are written in cursive script and whether any other manuscripts are produced in an oblong shape.