One of the greatest challenges of modern archaeology is the development of more and more effective methods of documentation of archaeological sites. This is a key issue due to the progressive destruction of sites in the face of human and nonhuman agents. In this paper the study results on establishing a methodology of documentation based on modern technologies like 3D laser scanning and photogrammetry were presented. The research was performed as part of BARI (Buildings ARcheology Inventory) Project. The measurement campaign took place on the 2-16 November 2018 in Jordan. The survey was carried out by 9 geodesists from AGH University of Science and Technology in Krakow and 4 archaeologists from the Jagiellonian University. Objects of measurements were remains of the Roman fortress in Dajaniya and the ancient city of Tuwaneh was the city where the influences of the most important cultures of the Middle East intersected: the Romans, the Greeks and the Nabataeans.