The cancer with the highest morbidity for women is breast cancer. Chemotherapy treatment still has negative points, such as low effectivity, high adverse effects, and resistance to therapy. This has encouraged a search for a natural alternative as a therapy or co-chemotherapy for cancer. This study evaluates the anticancer effect and combination of the compound [1,2-epoksi-3(3-(3,4-dimetoksifenil)-4h-1-benzopiran-4on)] propane (EPI) with doxorubicin in breast cancer culture MCF7. The study is experimental in vitro; the cytotoxicity is analyzed using (3-(4,5-dimetiltiazol-2-il)-2,5-difeniltetrazolium bromid) (MTT). The IC50 is analyzed using probit regression calculation using SPSS software. The synergistic effect of EPI and doxorubicin is analyzed based on the value of the Combination Index (CI) and the data is analyzed using Compusyn software 1.0. The result of this study shows that the IC50 for EPI is 50.77 µg/mL and for Doxorubicin is 26.80 µg/mL. CI for EPI and Doxorubicin (EPI-DOX) shows the average at value 0.1–0.7, which means it has a synergistic effect. The most synergistic effect at concentration 1/8IC50 EPI with ½ IC50 doxorubicin which is 0.00302. In conclusion, the compound EPI shows anticancer effect toward cancer cell MCF7 and strong synergistic effect when combined with doxorubicin.