In recent years, computer-mediated collaborative learning has been used as a coherent approach to the development of transformative competencies from a socio-constructivist perspective. Through it, students learn to investigate collaboratively to solve cognitively complex problems. Computer-mediated learning is often carried out from hybrid learning modalities where computers allow students to collaborate outside the classroom. This implies a certain instructional challenge when students have not internalized teamwork skills. The objective of this chapter is to explain how to carry out an educational proposal for hybrid environments. In particular, the proposal explains how to implement learning sequences using the knowledge building pedagogy, a pedagogical proposal based on the use of computer programs to expand educational opportunities. First, this chapter presents the knowledge building proposal and its pedagogical principles. Then, the learning sequence proposed by the authors is developed. Finally, a case is described where this sequence of learning in higher education was carried out. Participants were 55 university students enrolled in the second course of a social science degree programme from the University of Granada (Spain). Data were collected through questionnaires to know participants' perception of their abilities of shared regulation and self-efficacy of knowledge creation at the beginning and at the end of the course. The results indicate that this sequence has led to an improvement in shared regulation and self-efficacy knowledge creation to improve Collective Cognitive Responsibility (CCR).