This chapter focuses on how cutting-edge artificial intelligence (AI) technology that is centered around machine learning can help advance data analytics. It discusses the applications of a subfield of AI, natural language processing (NLP), in the domain of text analytics. Predictive analytics utilizes statistical modeling and machine learning techniques to make predictions about future outcomes based on the patterns found in the existing data. The development of advanced analytics has greatly benefited from the advancement of applications of machine learning algorithms which is an intersection of statistics and computer science. The applications of NLP today are incredibly diverse. It spreads in various fields such as machine translation, question answering, information extraction, natural language generation, writing assistance, video scripting, text categorization, sentiment analysis (SA), speech technologies, hate speech detection and fake news detection. SA focuses on the extraction of people’s sentiments, opinions, emotions, and attitudes toward entities such as services, products, organizations, individuals, issues, events, topics, and their attributes.