The realistic manner of extracting data from a huge source and processing it in an efficient manner is the real challenge of big data technology. The capability to transform this data to valid and precise data is a barrier. The poor decision-making due to wrong information and inefficient query processing will affect the accuracy and reliability of big data. The above consequence occurs because of lack of preparation of data for which the data to be processed needs to intensely explored. The chaos about the inconsistency of data can be diminished by the data cleaning step involved in data preprocessing. This also involves the data integration, data transformation, data reduction, and data discretization processes which make the graph of quality soar to its peak level. The functions Extract, Load, and Transform, which together are called as ETL, play a big role in online analytical processing system which helps the whole business intelligence ecosystem of big data in a better way. The fascinating correlation between data preprocessing with data wrangling is exemplarily defined with visual analytical tools and open source technologies like R, Python, etc. The major challenges of missing data imputation can be remedied by prediction models for both the categorical as well as continuous values. Proper identification and classification of the data, which are a necessity, can be done through proper security schemes involved in it. Schemes such as Panda Security Adaptive Defense 360 and context intelligence

AU: Please revise this scheme name for clarity. can be put forward for the security of the data to a big extent. The truthfulness of data collection from the social networks and weblogs is a major threat in this technological world. The data veracity scheme involved in big data management is an exact solution for the above problem. Precision analysis is used to measure the veracity of data which can be attained with an Autoregressive Tree (ART) model for the analysis. This model is a baseline for predictive accuracy analysis for large datasets. The major role of big data technology comes in the advancement of prediction scheme in healthcare. The machine learning scheme involved in the medical field as a healthcare catalyst has turned round the clinical industry. Data science made a drastic change not only in medical field but also in business and enterprises for the better. The advantages of data preparation and exploration yield technological upgradation and are beneficial to world’s GDP rate too.