Ladies and Gentlemen, It is my great privilege to welcome you all to this session. Before I deliver a few opening remarks I should like to introduce to you your colleagues on the platform. They being the vice-chairmen, the discussion leader, the rapporteur, the authors of papers and three other members of the panel. I should like to present to you the vice-chairmen, first Dr. Jakob Viel from Switzerland, Mr. Pedro Tinoco from Venezuela and Prof. Dr. Kurosawa” from Japan who has come the long way over the North Pole to attend this meeting. The vice-chairmen will be so kind as to assist me in the presidency of this meeting. In the programme you will see Mr. Paul Loeb from France mentioned as the discussion leader. But owing to his health, he has requested that his task be taken over by Prof. Dr. Mey from Holland. Prof. Mey is so kind as to replace Mr. Loeb in that function. The rapporteur who is also author of a paper, is Mr. Herbert Ràtsch from Germany and the other authors are Mr. Prakash Chopra from India, Mr. Joseph Pelej from the United States of America, Mr. Tempelaar from Holland and Mr. Wilson from the United Kingdom.