Chapter 1 provides an introduction to the whole book, the general theme of which concerns new approaches to managing occupational safety and health (OSH) presented from the perspective of current challenges in the world of work arising mainly from demographic and social changes, globalization and digital transformation of the economy. First, a general rationale for this theme is presented, and a postulate is formulated that the challenges discussed should be considered as stimulators to search for new solutions that may bring progress in the field. In this context, the reference is made to ISO 45001 standard, which requires that, as part of improving OSH management system, any opportunities that may enhance its performance should be sought and taken into account. The following five thematic areas are then listed and briefly described, to which detailed references are made in the next chapters: (1) introduction of the process approach to OSH management, (2) improving OSH management systems using the fuzzy cognitive maps method, (3) introduction of the strategic thinking approaches in relation to OSH management, (4) integration of OSH management within the framework of the CSR concept, and (5) enhancing OSH management processes through the use of smart digital technologies.