In the circumstances the best way to create a supply of qualified recruits was through some formal educational process. From 1908 to 1916 the Association’s committee on education—for most of the time under the chairmanship of Waldron H. Rand, head of his own firm in Boston—submitted a series of impressive reports. In 1911 the committee reported results of a survey of all state universities and other institutions which had over 100 instructors or 1,000 students. The objective was to find out the exact status of higher education in commercial subjects, and particularly accounting. In 1913 the committee reported results of a survey of Association members’ opinions as to the subjects which should be included in the education of a certified public accountant. The committee also presented an analysis of the requirements for the Certified Public Accountants (CPA) certificate in those states which had passed CPA laws up to July 1913.