Internet has become an integral part of our life and the data service is available at our fingertips. This led to a paradigm shift in the way the various infrastructures connect to Internet. There is a requirement of a high speed, reliable, robust, cost effective and seamless connectivity. This led to the motivation for development of new technology related to networking that is robust, reliable and adaptable to the data service needs of the current time. Software Defined Networking (SDN) is one such possibility that may change the networking in the near future. SDN decouples the control plane from data plane, where control plane is migrated to a centralized resource known as SDN controller. This results in possibilities of the controller get compromised to various attacks. This led to a requirement of protecting the controllers. This can be achieved in a number of ways. In this research article the authors propose a multi-controller-based system along-with Backup and Restoration System (BRS). The High-Available (HA) controller system arranged in master-slave configuration in the prosed work which will protect the entire system from possible failures and also to avoid threats to the controller.