In 1913 Mavrogordato undertook some basic experiments in Haldane’s private laboratory in Oxford. Experiments are undertaken to establish the biological effects of exposure to certain dusts in which there is interest. The dust for experimental use should ideally consist of a respirable fraction of a dust to be studied. The most suitable positive control for particulate dusts is quartz dust (alkaline washed after milling). Studies require an animal that is known to be susceptible to pulmonary fibrosis and tumor of the lung and pleura following treatment with noxious dusts. The following methods of exposure have been used in the study of experimental pneumoconioses: subcutaneous inoculation; intravenous inoculation; gavage and ingestion; intratracheal administration; implantation in coelomic cavities: intrapleural and ingestion. Exposure of animals to a specific concentration of dust, at a constant dosage, with an equal distribution of the fibers throughout the dusting chambers, is the most satisfactory method of exposure.