This chapter includes the subject of the experimental evaluations which is the class of vertically articulated industrial manipulators with open-loop kinematics. It discusses the manipulator model. The chapter analyzes the impact of dynamic compensation on constant payload manipulator tracking accuracy. It analyzes the sources of variations in tracking accuracy produced by payload uncertainty and determines adaption requirements. A large class of existing manipulators could be retrofitted to receive the benefits of dynamics-based control without hardware modifications. Dynamics-based control laws can produce tracking performance inferior to that of conventional constant-gain control laws in the presence of large payload uncertainty. The performance of dynamics-based controllers was analyzed under constant and variable payload configurations. Dynamics-based control techniques can enhance the high-speed trajectory-tracking performance of all robotic manipulators. A dapting gains to changes in self-inertia would have a minimal impact on the trajectory-tracking accuracy of a re volute industrial manipulator controlled by dynamics-based algorithms.