The Middle East is strategically important for Soviet contention with the other superpower for world domination. Before 1972, the Soviet Union kept a firm grip on the Arab countries while conniving at Israel in its aggression, thus exerting an incalculable influence on war and peace in the Middle East. Brezhnev complained that because of the Egyptian leader's action, "the cause of the Middle East settlement has been pushed back." He called for "return of the cause of the settlement to channel of Geneva Conference," saying this would "make a big contribution to the cause of improving the international climate." In a word, what Moscow wants is to rush to Geneva, The Soviet leadership and their publications really have a "Geneva Conference craze." Naturally, what they are enamored with is not Middle East settlement but a scheme to subordinate Middle East developments to the requirements of their contention with the United States and to go on meddling with a free hand.