This chapter presents a pragmatic and experience-based review of the advantages and difficulties of conducting research with and on behalf of those with disabilities or who are otherwise disadvantaged. It considers the financial aspects, health and wellbeing issues and the factors which should be considered in the preparation of proposals and the management of projects. The Centre for Employment and Disadvantage Studies (CEDS) is the research division of yes2work, a social firm working with those who have disabilities or are otherwise disadvantaged. In common with all projects – irrespective of disability – the starting point needs to be to ensure that at the project negotiation stage, the client, the researcher and the beneficiaries (the users) are all clear and in agreement as to the aims, objectives, means and outcomes of the work. CEDS adopts a simple and common definition for “disadvantaged”, as being deprived of basic social rights and security through poverty, discrimination, or other unfavourable circumstances.