THis Countrey with the other adjoining Coasts, was first discovered by Sebastian Cabot with his English Mariners in 1497. And may therefore be justly claimed by England, it was afterward visited by Sir Francis Drake, and called Virginia by Sir Walter Rawleigh in honour of his Virgin Mistress, Queen Elizabeth; In 1603. some Persons at Bristol by leave from Sir Walter Rawleigh, who had the Propriety thereof, made a Voyage thither, who discovered Whitson-Bay in forty one Degrees, the People used Snakeskins of six Foot long for Girdles, and were exceedingly ravished with the Musick of a Gittern 34 Boy, dancing in a ring about him, they were more afraid of two English Mastives than of twenty Men; In 1607. Sir John Popham, and others setled a Plantation at the mouth of the River Sagahadoc, the Captain James Davis chose a small place, almost an Island to set down in, where having heard a Sermon, read their Patent and Laws, and Built a Fort, / they Sailed to discover further up the River and Countrey, and encountred with an Island, where was a great Fall of Water, over which they haled their Boat with a Rope, and came to another Fall, shallow, swift and unpassable, they found the Countrey stored with white and red Grapes, good Hops, Onions, Garlick, Oaks, Walnuts, and the Soil good, the Head of the River being in about forty five Degrees; they called their Fort St. George, Captain George Popham being President, the People seemed much affected with our Mens Devotions, and would say, King James is a good King, and his god a good God, but our God Tanto a naughty God; which is the name of the evil Spirit that haunts them every new Moon, and makes them Worship him for fear; he commanded the Indians not to converse nor come near the English, threatning some to kill them, and to inflict Sickness upon others if they disobeyed him, beginning with two of their Sagamors or Kings Children, affirming he had power to do the like against the English, and would execute it on them the next new Moon. The Natives told our Men of Cannibals near Sagadohoc, with Teeth three Inches long, but they saw 112them not. In January they had in the space of seven hours Thunder, Lightning, Rain, Frost and Snow all in abundance; they found a Bath two Miles about, so hot they could not drink of it. One of the Savages for a Straw hat and Knife stript himself of his Clothing of Bevers Skins worth in England 50 s. or 3l. to Present them to the President, leaving only a Flap to cover his Nudities.