Collaborative programmes where multiple organizations share a common focus can create a complex arena for programme managers. When considering both behaviours and competencies together it should be recognized that programme managers not only need to consider collaborative skills but also to ensure that the basic competencies and organizational enablers are in place. There are many aspects of behaviour, but in endeavouring to distil these to a functional platform the key element comes down to 'RESPECT' as follows: Responsive; Ethics and integrity; Service to customers; Professionalism; Enthusiasm; Creativity; and Teamwork. For programme managers seeking to implement integrated collaborative approaches, BS 11000 standard framework provides a structured model that draws on a wealth of experience to identify factors that could undermine performance if they were not dealt with appropriately. The backbone of this standard is the relationship management plan. That initially defines internal rules and guidance and is developed into a joint plan with partners that evolve through the life of relationship.