Soda–lime–silica glass — which is used to manufacture glass containers — is made from a few naturally occurring, readily available raw materials: sand, soda ash, limestone, dolomite limestone, and feldspar. In the early 80s, the glass container industry recognized that a solid waste crisis was imminent and aggressively began promoting recycling curbside collection programs. Glass containers also lend themselves well to community recycling programs; they are 100% recyclable and can be recycled over and over again. In 1993, glass containers, which comprise 4% of the municipal solid waste stream by weight, were recycled at a rate of 35% in the US Glass used for recycling must be color-sorted and contaminant free. Glass container plants across the country also have different color specifications. Some plants only produce flint containers, while others may produce amber and flint. The glass container manufacturing industry strongly opposes mandatory beverage container deposit systems.