In 1986 Fred Schram and Paul Haefner, President and Secretary, respectively, of The Crustacean Society, suggested that the Society celebrate its 10th anniversary with a symposium on the history of carcinology, and then publish the delivered papers, along with others not given at the symposium, in a ‘souvenir’ volume. Well McLaughlin’s response was much more flattering, and the presentation on women in carcinology, delivered by her co-author Sandra Gilchrist, drew the largest audience of the symposium. Libbie Hyman replied that it was a 'damn fool idea.' Albatross was approved by Congress, due to Baird's lobbying, as an exploratory fishing vessel, but it was designed and equipped for scientific research in deep waters beyond the range of most commercial species. E. S. Morse, a student of Louis Agassiz and who split from the master in the 'Salem secession', probably did not become an 'avid Darwinian' until 1870-1873, but he is credited with presenting the first lecture on Darwinism ever given in Japan.