Classical Japanese works of natural history have been extensively studied by Uno Masuzo. Uno was a distinguished hydrobiologist as well as a leading carcinologist. He began his academic career at the Otsu Hydrobiological Station, later was director there, and retired as professor of biology at the College of Liberal Arts, Kyoto University. This chapter introduces the animal world of Japan before modern western biology. The transliterations and translations to English of Chinese and Japanese titles and authors’s names follow Needham. Plants and animals were frequently mentioned by ancient writers. The crabs are apparently Eriocheir japonica , and in one long verse, which is entitled, roughly, ‘Ode to Crabs,’ a little of their habits is presented, along with gratitude, and apology, to them for being food for man. The entries in Homo-wamyo include inorganic minerals and living things, as well as natural phenomena, utensils, and imaginary creatures.