On the basis of well drillings, the diapiric section is characterised by steep dips (40-60 degrees), microfolding, microfaults, increased Assuring, slickensided surfaces, etc. In most cases, the dislocated Mesozoic and Cenozoic rocks are covered by till or by meltwater deposits of the Dnieper Glaciation. Regarding structural features, glacial bedrock dislocations have the same effect as low amplitude (1-3 m on average) dislocations at the basal surface of a till sheet. Numerous glacial bedrock dislocations form knolls, mounds, ridges or areas of rugged topography mostly buried by younger deposits but some protrude on the modern land surface. Of the diverse erosional glacial landforms in the area of the Dnieper ice stream, large- and small-scale features can be recognised. With regard to the type of host rock, their form and size, the glacial erosional land-forms in the Ukraine can be subdivided into different groups, each with its own specific features resulting from variation in glacial erosional processes.