The Alps build a barrier for the North-South freight transit. Most of the goods are transported by trailers on freeways causing environmental problems. The freight volume is estimated to double during the next 20 years which would lead to a traffic infarct on the existing roads and rail tracks. It is the policy in Europe to transfer long distance freight transports from road to rail.

The mixed rail system, high speed passenger traffic and freight transport is unefficient, costly and limited in capacity.

It is proposed to construct a separate automized freight transit line through the Alps from Rosenheim to Verona. The alignment is underground in two single track tunnels. The total tube length is more than 500 km.

Special TBM’s are to be designed to cope with hard rock and great deformations of the rockmass due to high overburden. Lining systems are to be developed which allow considerable radial deformations.