The "ECOMARGE" programme consists of a coordinated study of the benthic slope ecosystem. This Inter-disciplinary programme is carried out by ten French oceanographic laboratories. This chapter presents the preliminary report on the reproduction of mediterranean echinoderms collected between 0 and 1000 meters, during the ‘ECOMARGE’ programme. Concerning Ophiura texturata and Brissopsis lyrifera, the specimens from the upper levels seem to be in quasi-synchronism with those found at deeper levels. Thus, it is very probable that no relation exists between breeding cycles and depth. Concerning Ophiocten a abyssicolum, a difference of gametogenetic development between deeper and shallower water specimens is noticeable at spring time. The seasonality of the reproduction of deep-sea ophiuroids may occur even in the deeper individuals of species presenting a broad bathymetric range.