During the last 25 years a reference collection for the purpose of the identification of animal remains collected during excavations of pre-and protohistoric dwelling places, graves, sacrificial places, etc. has been built up at the Biologisch-Archaeologisch Instituut of the State University of Groningen. This chapter focuses on the retrieving of subfossil faunal remains during excavations in past and present, the identification of faunal remains, and the reference collection of the B.A.I. The catalogue of this reference collection is added with the purpose of informing other archaeozoologists about the specimens available in Groningen. When systematic archaeozoological research started in Groningen in 1959, it became standard procedure that faunal remains were carefully collected during excavations. The Groningen collection consists, in general, of animals that have met with a natural death, and which have been received from private individuals and institutions.