Since the publication of Breasted’s pioneer study on the Battle of Qadesh (Breasted 1903) a continuous flow of publications has appeared ever since and is still continuing. One would expect that by now the last words on this battle had been said and that nothing new could be added. It appears, however, that there are still a number of uncertainties which thwart a detailed reconstruction of the course of this battle. Some of these uncertainties concern the geography of the area where the battle took place and, directly related to this, the positions of the various army units at a given time (Who, Where, and When, as they say). Other uncertainties concern the exact chronologial order of events because the various written sources do not all seem to tell exactly the same story. Since clarity on these points is a prerequisite for a reconstruction of this battle (a reconstruction from a military point of view being the primary interest of the present author), it will be attempted to solve some of these problems below (cf. Kuschke 1983; Fecht 1984a,b; Helck 1971).