Tuhar basin is an intermoutain basin. The fluid flow can be divided into two stages according to the genesis and driving force of water. It is found that the fluid flow is composed of convergent flow of compaction water and meteoric water in the first stage. Petroleum is deposited in the convergent zone originally. In the second stage, it is mainly meteoric water flow by gravity after compaction water is limited. The flow direction is from north to south. Remigration of petroleum is also from north to south. The petroleum deposited in the northern part is redistributed, oil density is higher than 0.80g/cm3 TDS is between 4 and 18 g/l. Water type is mainly NaHCO3. But petroleum deposited in the southern part is enlarged, oil density is between 0.71 − 0.75g/cm3. TDS is higcr than 16g/l, water type is CaCl2