Primary ore and their concentration products from Skarn type Weigang iron mine ore studied by means of Spectral analysis, chemical analysis, opitical microscope and electron probe etc. The primary ores are classified into three categories and eight technological types. Samples of the category one and two are studied for their chemical element association, quantitative mineralogical composition, equilibrium state of iron sulphur element and the state of grain inter-locking, grain size distribution characteristic of exploitable mineral. Twenty-four samples of pyrite have been studied by chemical analysis of single minerals and electron probe, and two of these samples have been studied for their element image of Fe, S and Co. The results suggest that the occurrence form of cobalt in pyrite is regarded as in the form of isomorphism. T Fe value (the total Content of Fe) in the concentrated ore is lower and the T Fe value in the tailings is higher. The lower degree liberation of magnetite is main reason. Additionally the content of the pyrite Can be up to 95% in the concentrated pyrites ores through a simple floatation in laboratory, cobalt content in the concentrates is 0.189%. and It is enough for complex recovery.