When introducing the Budget in April last the Chancellor of the Exchequer intimated his desire that a committee should be appointed in connection with the income tax to inquire into “ its incidence, the equity of its burdens, its machinery, and into the evasions.” When introducing the Budget in April last the Chancellor of the Exchequer intimated his desire that a committee should be appointed in connection with the income tax to inquire into “ its incidence, the equity of its burdens, its machinery, and into the evasions.” Another matter in a very similar case is the return on form No. 46, now called for from all companies of the amount of all salaries, fees, wages, &c, paid to any officer employed by the company. This matter was dealt with in vol. i. of the Accountants Magazine. The Taxes Management Act enacts that no barrister or solicitor shall be allowed to plead before the Commissioners in an appeal.