Digital systems store, process, and communicate information in binary form with two discrete values 0 and 1. Memory stores the information and is processed through various combinational and sequential logic circuits. Number system plays an important role in understanding the digital systems. Digital circuits are classified by the circuit technology used in addition to its complexity and logic of operation, and the circuit technology is referred as logic families. The digital system may or may not have memory or use previous output as current input. Digital circuit without memory is referred as combinational circuit, whereas digital systems having memory are known as sequential circuits. There are various types of memories such as nonpermanent memory that losses the content when power is removed, while flash or read-only (ROM) memories retain their content even in the absence of power. Apart from volatile memory, ROM, and flash memory, there are many other types of memories also. This chapter is mainly focused on to review with the basic concepts of digital design, i.e., number system, logic families, combinational and sequential circuits, registers, counters, and memories.