NeoPaganism is "an informal network of people devoted to Wicca, the Craft, Goddess worship, and other ritual practices inspired by the religions of pagan Europe and the Mediterranean". Practitioners tend to refer to themselves either by the name of their specific tradition or with the more general term "Pagan." Estimates vary, but it is generally accepted that there are between 200,000 and 500,000 practicing NeoPagans in the United States. In addition to wide diversity in terms of sexual orientation and gender identity, the NeoPagan community is also welcoming to a variety of sexual practices, many of them deemed "deviant" by mainstream American society. Though the NeoPagan community encompasses a wide variety of traditions and practices, each with its own thealogy/theology and ethical codes, there are some values that can be said to be held in common. A focus on the individual Will, on individual experience and personal authority, and on personal autonomy are among the most common.