Agriculture and forests are important resources in sustaining global economic, environmental and social systems. The primary strategy employed to eliminate insect pests in harvested and stored products was by using chemical pesticides. Use of pesticides is an agricultural management technique that enables producers to check further development of pests and pathogens. The Nordic countries, on the other hand, consume comparatively fewer pesticides, which include insecticides, herbicides and fungicides that are employed in modern agriculture to control pests and increase crop yield. In both developed and developing countries, the use of chemical pesticides has increased dramatically during the last few decades. Pesticide application has often been adopted as a risk avoidance strategy, where the chances of pest incidence/critical pest population are often wrongly perceived to be on the high side. Biological pesticides, or biopesticides, represent a range of bio-based substances, which act against invertebrate pests with different mechanisms of action.