The Handbook of Chemical and Biological Warfare Agents, Volume 2: Pathogens, Mid-Spectrum, and Incapacitating Agents, Third Edition provides rapid access to key data to response professionals and decision-makers on a broad range of agents and pathogens.

This volume presents information on a wide range of chemical and biological agents. Chemical agents detailed in this volume are those that were developed specifically for their non-lethal potential. The biological agents described are militarily significant pathogens that could be weaponized to pose a threat to people, animals, or crops and other agricultural interests. Mid-spectrum agents, materials that do not fit clearly into either the Chemical or the Biological Weapons Conventions, include toxins and bioregulators. Entomological agents, the final class of agents discussed in volume, are arthropods that could pose a significant threat to a country’s agriculture infrastructure and be used to devastate its economy. They were proposed for inclusion in the Biological Weapons Convention but never adopted.

In addition to a discussion of each of these classes of agents, coverage includes detailed information on a broad spectrum of individual agents that have been used on the battlefield, stockpiled as weapons, used or threatened to be used by terrorists, or have been otherwise assessed by qualified law enforcement and response organizations and determined to be agents of significant concern.

The information presented in this edition has been updated and expanded to contain more information on toxicology, health effects, presentation of diseases, advances in medical care and treatment, as well as protective actions needed at the scene of an incident.

Key Features:

  • Focuses on the key information needed during an emergency response
  • Provides updated toxicology, exposure hazards, physical-chemical data, and treatment of casualties
  • Profiles the presentation of diseases in people, animals and plants
  • Presents updated protective action distances, decontamination, and remediation information

All data compiled is gathered from numerous sources and arranged into the current, easy-to-access format. In order to ensure accuracy, all data has been cross-checked over the widest variety of military, scientific and medical sources available. The Handbook of Chemical and Biological Warfare Agents, Volume 2: Pathogens, Mid-Spectrum, and Incapacitating Agents, Third Edition remains the gold-standard reference detailing the widest variety of military, scientific, and medical sources available.

part |105 pages

Incapacitating and Riot Control Agents

chapter 12|38 pages

Mind-Altering Agents

chapter 13|27 pages

Irritating and Lachrymatory Agents

chapter 14|13 pages

Vomiting/Sternatory Agents

chapter 15|23 pages


part |256 pages

Biological Agents

chapter 16|52 pages


chapter 17|48 pages

Bacterial Pathogens

chapter 18|83 pages

Viral Pathogens

chapter 19|18 pages

Fungal Pathogens

chapter 20|25 pages


chapter 21|26 pages

Non-Vector Entomological Agents