Alec is 28 years old. He has several convictions recorded against him for offences of dishonesty and violence. Four years ago, he was convicted of threatening to kill a probation officer – a threat that was expressed in rage and was not repeated, but was still seen as a substantial and serious risk which caused considerable alarm and distress. He has more than once lost his temper with reception staff at the probation office when he has felt that they were talking about him – as indeed they might well have been, either to inform the supervising probation officer of his arrival at the office or because his demeanour and appearance are so intimidating. He is extremely aggressive and demanding at interview. He complains of sleeplessness and anxiety and looks for signs of hostility towards him or plotting against him. On one visit, he asked for a cup of coffee; the next day he returned and accused the probation officer of having put something in his coffee which had made him feel agitated and distressed, bringing a sleepless night.