It is well-known that Kalidasa had based his celebrated Sanskrit play Abhijñana-fakuntalam on a short story in the Mahabharata (Bhat 1985; Kale 1957; Stoler-Miller 1984; Thapar 2000). The chapter begins with a synopsis of the Fakuntala story in the epic, followed by a close look at the Kalidasa play. Several scholars (the above ones and also Gerow 1979) have previously noted the thematic and structural changes and additions Kalidasa made while creating the play. This chapter suggests other differences between the two works-one a short tale embedded in an epic and the other a full-fledged classical play. An epic is to be read or be listened to; a play is performative, a spectacle to be viewed (of course, it could also be read). The chapter exhibits how this difference is highlighted in the construction of the play by making the acts of looking and image making important organizational principles.