Psychoanalytic therapy of psychoses in the German-speaking world, indeed in the world in general, began at the University Psychiatric Hospital in Zurich, BurghoÈlzli. Actively supported by its then director Eugen Bleuler, Karl Abraham, Carl Gustav Jung, Abraham Arden Brill, Max Eitingon, Alphonse Maeder and Ludwig Binswanger worked with psychotic patients using Freud's method of free association and attention to the expressions of the unconscious as early as from 1903. Freud favoured this as, inter alia, the following postcard message to Bleuler dated 30 January 1906 shows: `Honoured colleague, after Jung's splendid study of dementia praecox, now your so comprehensive essay ± I'm con®dent that we'll soon conquer psychiatry' (M. Bleuler, 1979: 21).