In this book we bring together for the first time a set of contributions to the knowledge economy literature that combines the innovation and creative dimensions that constitute that designation. The following, and conceivably most important, part of this opening chapter sets out what is intended to be a coherent theoretical framework capable of integrating a moderately diverse group of writings – diverse, but connected, in that each one responded to a conference call that had as its mission ‘Enabling knowledge strategies’. The call went as follows:

This track invites contributions on the role of knowledge institutions in regional development. These may be from science and technology, or culture and the creative arts. Both kinds of work are invited. Perhaps more is written on the former than the latter, and papers on the role of ‘memory institutions’ such as museums, libraries, galleries and archives as assets for regional growth are particularly welcome. Papers providing ‘mapping’ for Europe and elsewhere of knowledge centres of either and both kinds, with their associated concentrations of ‘talent’, are also encouraged. What mechanisms and strategies facilitate the transition from knowledge to business? How do businesses and non-firm organisations manage knowledge? Are there data or cases showing evolution in understanding of the need for organisational change if knowledge sharing is to add significant value? What about territorial knowledge management, boundary-crossing activities or intermediaries where distinct ‘communities of practice’ (e.g. scientists/entrepreneurs/public servants or bureaucrats/artists/business people) must interact? How does knowledge move from innovator to entrepreneur and what is the role of various intermediaries such as knowledge transfer offices, incubators, investors, collectors, exhibitors?