In order to transform serious con¯ict in East (North-East) Asia, Dr Johan Galtung, the Director of the TRANSCEND International Network, has written a text titled `Epilogue: Pax Paci®ca in Yokohama Harbor', which I interpret as a recitation play.1 In the play, con¯ict is treated as a mutual issue for everyone involved in the region, and it starts where all actors look into the past history, and then a place gradually develops where all members can dialogue. The concept of the play emerged from Galtung's challenge of a dialogue-based reconciliation role-playing session in a TRANSCEND workshop held in Yokohama in 2002. I explain brie¯y what it is about, and try to analyse it from my own perspective. Three of the members of TRANSCEND-Japan including myself translated the script into Japanese (another member worked on a Korean translation too) for future occasions of performances in Japan. The project is now called, `Ho'o Pono Pono: Pax Paci®ca' (peace for Asia-Paci®c, or more speci®cally, for North-East Asia).2