Richard Galis was the son of a former mayor of Windsor of the same name. Galis senior allegedly fell victim to the witches described in A Rehearsall both straung and true (1579). His son wrote this pamphlet in response to the incomplete account of their crimes given in the Rehearsall, and his version was printed and published by John Allde in the same year. Allde produced topical ballads and ephemera, and his son Edward printed The Apprehension and confession of three notorious Witches (1589). There is only one surviving copy of the quarto of Galis’s work, in the Bodleian Library, and its title page is missing – therefore the pamphlet is known by the title given to it in the Stationers’ Register, where it was entered on 4 May: A brief treatise conteyning the most strange and horrible crueltye of Elizabeth Stile alias Bockingham & hir confederates executed at Abington upon Richard Galis.