The 1979 revolution which overthrew the dictator Somoza initiated a process of

radical socio-economic transformation in Nicaragua. Like many North Americans

opposed to the United States government’s subsequent attempts to overthrow the

Sandinistas, I participated in solidarity groups committed to the revolutionary project

for social change. My first visit to Nicaragua was in the 1980s when I picked coffee in

the Matagalpa region of Nicaragua as a member of a solidarity brigade. Despite the

hardship of the contra war, revolutionary Nicaragua was an exciting and inspirational

place to be. This relajo was intoxicating and the three weeks I spent in Nicaragua were

one of the most profoundly moving periods of my life. Above and beyond the

experience of witnessing dramatic improvements in people’s lives, I was taken up by

the ‘force of myth’ to which Mariátegui refers (Mariátegui 1958).