Monasticism is a response to Christ’s call to “follow me” and “be perfect” (Luke 18:22, Matt 5:48). The Samaritan woman “left her water jar” and followed him; Andrew and Peter immediately left their nets and followed him; and the Virgin Mary and John followed him to the Cross, disregarding threats against their lives. Calls, when accepted, usually include sacrifice and renunciation. Monasticism is the story of the varying calls to follow Christ and to be perfect as the heavenly Father is perfect. Christ demonstrated his love for humanity by his Incarnation and the Cross; those who follow him reciprocate this love by renouncing everything for his sake. This chapter is the story of those who loved God more than themselves; it is the story of monasticism. It is a synopsis of the beginning of the monastic way of life, its development in Egypt to the present day, and its role in the life of the faithful and the church.