The Tragicall Historye of Romeus and Juliet 3 I I He was of body tall and strong, and of his courage halt. They neede no trumpet sounde to byd them geve the charge, So lowde he cryde with strayned voyce and mouth outstretched

large. Now, now, (quod he) my frends, our selfe so let us wreake, That of this dayes revenge, and us, our childrens heyres may

speake. 970 Now once for all let us their swelling pride asswage, Let none of them escape alive; then he with furious rage And they with him gave charge, upon theyr present foes, And then forthwith a skyrmishe great upon this fray arose. For loe, the Montagewes thought shame away to flye, And rather then to live with shame, with prayse did choose to

dye. The woordes that Tybalt usd to styre his folke to yre, Have in the brestes of Montagewes kindled a furious fyre. With Lyons hartes they fight, warely themselfe defende, To wound his foe, his present wit and force eche one doth

bend. g8o This furious fray is long, on eche side stoutly fought, That whether part had got the woorst full doutfull were the

thought. The noyse hereof anon, throughout the towne doth flye And partes are taken on every side, both kinreds thether hye. Here one doth gaspe for breth, his frend bestrideth him, And he hath lost a hand, and he another maymed lim, His leg is cutte whilst he strikes at an other full And whom he would have thrust quite through hath cleft his

cracked skull. Theyr valiant harts forbode theyr foote to geve the grounde, With unappauled cheere they tooke full deepe and doutfull

wounde. ggo Thus foote by foote long while, and shield to shield set fast, One foe doth make another faynt but makes him not agast. And whilst this noyse is ryfe in every townes mans eare, Eke walking with his frendes, the noyse doth wofull Romeus heare. With spedy foote he ronnes unto the fray apace, With him those fewe that were with him he leadeth to the place. They pittie much to see the slaughter made so greate, That wetshod they might stand in blood on eyther side the streate. Part frendes (sayd he) part frendes, helpe frendes to part the fray And to the rest, enough (he cryes) now time it is to staye. 1000 Gods farther wrath you styrre, beside the hurt you feele