When Huon had heard the Knight's tale, he had great joy, and embraced him and saide, Howe often times he had seene Guyre his Brother the Provost weepe for him, and when I departed from Bourdeaux, (quoth he) I delivered unto him all my Lands to governe: wherefore I require you shewe mee your name. Sir, (quoth he) I am called Gerames, and now I pray you shew me your name. Sir, (quoth he) I am named Huon, and my younger Brother is cai.led Gerard. But, sir, I pray you shew me how you have so long lived heere, and what sustenance you have had. Sir, (quoth Gerames) I have eaten none other thing but rootes and fruites that I have found in the wood. Then Huon demaunded of him if he could speake the -language Sarazin. Yes, sir, (quoth he) as well or better then any Sarazin in the Countrey, nor there is no way but that I know it.