When they were thus alighted, the Dwarfe of the Fayry Kinge Oberon came ryding by, and had on a Gowne so rich that it were marvaile to recount the riches and fashion thereof, and it was so garnished with precious stones, that the clearnesse of them shined like the Sonne. Also he had a goodlie bow in his hand, so rich that it could not be esteemed, and his arrowes after the same sort; and they were of such a nature or qualitie, that any beast in the world that he would wish for, the arrowe would arrest him. Also he had about his necke a rich Horne hanging by two Laces of gold. The Horne was so rich and faire, that there never was seene any such. It was made by foure Ladies of the Fayries in the Isle of Chafalone; one of them gave to the horne such a propertie, that whosoever heard the sound thereof, if he were in the greatest sickenesse in the world, he should incontinent be whole and sound: the Ladie that gave this gift to the Horne was named Glorianda. The second ladie was named Translyna; she gave to this Horne another propertie, and that was, whosoever heard this horne, if he were in the greatest famine of the worlde, he should be satisfied as well as though he had eaten al that he woulde wishe for, and so likewise for drinke as well, as though he had droonke his fil of the best wine in al the world. The third Ladie named Margala gave to..this Horne yet a greater gift, and that was, whosoever heard this Horne, though he were never so poore or feeble by sicknesse, he should have such joy in his heart, that he should singe and daunce. The fourth Ladie named Lempatrix gave to this Horne such a gift that whosoever heard it, if he were an hundred dayesjourneys of[f], he should come at the pleasure of him that blew it farre or neare.