Whereupon Messer Giuffredi, being well assured how love had all on a sudden levelled two mortals to the earth with a single blow, and that nothing but the advent of some favourable opportunity was needed to allow them to satisfy their sympathetic desires, gave himself up entirely, as is the habit oflovers, to the task of searching out who the maiden might be, and what was her parentage. At last he discovered who her father was, and learned besides that he was an old man inordinately jealous and avaricious, inasmuch as he was

llNovellino499 possessedbythesevicesevenbeyondthecommonmeasureofold age.Furthermoreheascertainedthatthemiser,inordertoescape theprayersofsuitorstobestowhisonlydaughterinmarriage,was accustomedtokeepheralwayscloselyshutupinthehouse,treating herthewhileworsethanthemeanestservant.