I cannot abide Sir, to harpe still upon one string, It is too Cuckolike they say, one song continually to sing. It were good for you to learne quickly in what cleefe2 you should

take your part, 950 And be speedely revenged on her that strikes such a dagger to your

heart. Oh they are full of deceit, cogging, flattery, foisting, twitle-twatle,

and I know not what, This Genus demonstrativam,3 is such a bottomlesse sea, you will never

have done if you enter into that. The dispraise of women is so great, that without doubt, All the tongues in the world are not able to set it out. 958 T'is one of my precepts, to be short and sharpe in word and blo[w]e, When they anger you, bid the devill take them all, and make no

(more adoe. FEDELE Wast thou so neare, Pedante? PEDANTE I heard you well ynough.