He went about also to proove with likelie arguments, that it apperteined not to the pope, to have to doo concerning the temporall possessions of any kings or other potentats touching the rule and government of their subjects, sith no power was granted to Peter (the speciall and cheefe of the apostles of the Lord) but onlie touching the church, and matters apperteining thereunto.4 By such doctrine of him set foorth, he wan in such wise the kings favour, that he obteined manie great preferments at the kings hands, and was abbat of saint Austines in Canturburie: but at length, when his manners were notified to the pope, he tooke such order for him, that he was despoiled of all his goods and benefices, so that afterwards he was driven in great miserie to beg his bread from doore to doore, as some write. This did he procure to himselfe by telling the trueth against that beast, whose hornes were pricking at everie christian prince that he might set himselfe in a seat of supremasie above all principalities ...