Plutarch's Lives of Noble Grecians and Romalles I I I daunger, he wrote unto Pomponious Atticus, that his affayres had the best happe that could be. For, sayd he, eyther I will set my can try at libertie by battell, or by honorable death rid me of this bondage.l And furthermore, that they being certeine and assured of all things els, this one thing onely was doubtfull to them: whether they should live or dye with libertie. He wrote also that Antonius had his due paiment for his folly. For where he might have bene a partner equally of the glory of Brutus, Cassius, and Cato, and have made one with them: he liked better to choose to be joyned with Octavius Cresar alone: with whome, though now he be not overcome by us, yet shall he shortly after also have warre with him.2 And truely he proved a true Prophet, for so came it in deede to passe. Now whilest Brutus and Cassius were together in the citie of Smyrna: Brutus prayed Cassius to let him have some part of his money whereof he had great store, bicause all that he could rappe and rend of his side, he had bestowed it in making so great a number of shippes, that by meanes of them they should keepe all the sea at their commaundement. Cassius friends hindered this request, and earnestly disswaded him from it: perswading him, that it was no reason that Brutus should have the money which Cassius had gotten together by sparing, and leavied with great evil will of the people their subjects, 3 for him to bestowe liberally uppon his souldiers, and by this meanes to winne their good willes, by Cassius charge. This notwithstanding, Cassius gave him the thirde parte of his totall summe. So Cassius and Brutus then departing from eche other, Cassius tooke the citie of Rhodes, where he too dishonestly and cruelly used him selfe 4: although when he came into the citie, he aunswered some of the inhabitants, who called him Lord and king, that he was nether Lord nor king, but he on ely that had slaine him, that would have bene Lord and king. Brutus departing from thence, sent unto the Lycians, to require money, and men of wane. But there was a certaine Orator called Naucrates, that made the cities to rebell against him, insomuch that the can try men of that con try kept the straights and litle mountaines, thinking by that meanes to stoppe Brutus passage. Wherefore Brutus sent his horsemen against them, who stale uppon them as they were at dinner, and slue six hundred of them: and taking all the small townes and villages, he did let all the prisoners he tooke, goe without payment of ransome, hoping by this his great curtesie to winne them, to drawe all the