The Historie of Twelve Ctesars generall came unto him with many and those most honourable decrees, he received them sitting still 1 before the Temple of Venus Genitrix. Some thinke, that when he was about to rise up, Cornelius Balbus stayed and helde him backe: others are of the mind, that he never went about it. But when C. Trebatius advertised him to arise unto them,2 he looked backe upon him with a strang kind of looke: Which deede of his was thought so much the more intollerable, for that himselfe, when Pontius Aquila one of the Colledge of Tribunes, stood not up nor did reverence to him as he rode in Tryumph and passed by the Trybunes Pues, tooke such snuffe and indignation therat, that he brake out alowd into these words: 'Well done Tribune Aquila, recover thou then, the common-welth out of my hands': and for certaine dayes togither, never promised ought unto any man without this Proviso and Exception, 'If Pontius Aquila will give me leave.'